Friday, March 15, 2013

Pretty Patches Placemats and Napkins, Day 7

"It's that Poppins woman!  She did it!"  She of the "Well begun is half done" philosophy!  Well, let me tell you, Mary Poppins, I began this week's project with a bang, busting out those napkins like nothin', and cutting out the fabric pieces for the placemats like a hot knife through butter.  I was on my way to having Friday night supper served on my brand new placemats.

But then there was the stumbling block of randomly patterned patchwork borders, and other unforseen, non-sewing related drama, and now, here I am, at the end of Day 7, and not one placemat is complete.  It's no jolly holiday for me.

I came close, though, finishing up the borders and attaching them to the placemat centers.  But I can't seem to stay awake, so I'm going to take my own advice and not sew while sleepy.  Maybe tomorrow I'll find some time to finish it up.  Otherwise I'll just go fly a kite.

Almost done!  Or maybe not.

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