Saturday, February 2, 2013

Simple Circles Table Runner, Day 8

Day 8?  What happened to getting the project done in one week?  Yes, yes, I know, my deadline slipped.  I feel like I let myself down, but the truth is, things came up and I just couldn't get to it.  But I'm almost finished and I do actually have another project started for Week 3.

For the layout of the circles I basically wanted to show as much of each fabric as possible, so I didn't do very much layering.  I also wanted to avoid layering because that would mean a lot of fabric and batting that the sewing machine would have to go through.

Placing the circles sometimes felt like working on one of those sliding block puzzles.  The 2" openings that weren't sewn up needed to be hidden underneath another circle, and I was constantly adjusting and readjusting the arrangement of the circles to hide the openings.  Finally I came up with a pattern I liked, so I pinned it up (sticking myself twice in the process), and then stitched it up.  I basically followed the topstitch of where the circles overlapped.

I think it turned out pretty nice, and as soon as I clear my dining room table of all the fabric, I'll plop this baby right on there.

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