Friday, January 25, 2013

Lap Duvet, Day 7

I'm still getting used to this whole blog thing, so apologies for not posting as it happens.

So the quilting phase started out being aggravating for me.  Because my duvet didn't end up being 58"x42", when I started out pinning every 7", my last row ended up being close to 5".  This drove me crazy so I started all over again and readjusted my measurements so that each row was the same height.

As I pinned I was very careful to be accurate, making sure that each pin lined up exactly in line with the other pins in the row and column.  It was after maybe three or four pins that I asked myself, "What are you doing?!  Why are you trying to be so accurate?  It's just a duvet!"  Yup, no need to be precise about it all.  If the pins were off by millimeters or even quarters of an inch, it shouldn't matter - it wasn't like I was going to enter it into a contest or anything.

After pinning the rest of the duvet I moved to the sewing machine to quilt it.  My machine doesn't have a bar tacking stitch, so I used the other option, which was to stitch a short zigzag stitch.

It works well enough, but there isn't a way to backstitch, so again, I hope the threads don't come out.  I trimmed the threads and voila!  The duvet is complete!  Hooray!

I once knew a person that would name his blankets.  I had all but forgotten about that until I cozied up to my duvet and exclaimed "Fluffy McFlufferson!"  And so it has been christened.

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